
Remedies from Nature:

Homeopathic remedies are made from substances found in nature. Many common plants and minerals are dried, ground into a fine powder, and then diluted in water multiple times to create a homeopathic remedy. The amount of times a remedy is diluted determines the potency of a remedy.

For example, the remedy Nux Vomica, commonly used to treat digestive upsets, is made from the evergreen tree named Strychnos. The seeds of its yellow fruit is the part that is used to make the homeopathic remedy.

Similarly, Calcerea Carbonica, another homeopathic remedy, widely used to treat teething and cradle cap in infants, is made from ground oyster shells. As the name suggests this remedy contains the mineral calcium. Because Calceria Carbonica is a highly diluted form of calcium its healing effect is broader and gentler than taking calcium in its original form.

Over 5,000 natural substances have been prepared in this way, creating a vast pharmacopeia to treat a myriad of conditions.