Your First Homeopathic Appointment:

Your initial homeopathic intake will last approximately 1 ½ - 2 hours.

At your first appointment, you'll have the chance to discuss your health concerns, your physical symptoms, your mental/emotional state, and anything else that you feel impacts your day-to-day well being.

The homeopathic consult is client centered. All areas of your life are important and even seemingly insignificant details are considered important as part of your overall case. As your homeopath, I will ask questions to better understand how you experience the challenges in your daily life. The more that you share about yourself during this visit, the easier it will be to determine the best homeopathic remedy and therapeutics for you. 

At the end of your appointment, you will receive your homeopathic prescription with instructions on how to take your remedy. We will schedule your follow-up appointment for 4 weeks from your initial consultation. 

Approximately one week after your appointment I will check-in with you by phone or text just to touch base and see if you have any questions regarding taking your remedy or any response/changes you’ve noticed since beginning your remedy.

Your Polarity Analysis intake will last approximately 1 hour.

At this appointment, we will focus on one health issue or one body system. You will have the opportunity to discuss your physical symptoms in detail and how this health complaint impacts your day-to-day wellness.

At the end of your appointment, you will receive your homeopathic prescription with instructions on how to take your remedy. We will schedule your follow-up appointment for 4 weeks from your initial consultation.