Remember that any time you take a homeopathic remedy you should not have any tastes or strong flavors in your mouth. Best to take the remedy at least 15 min. after eating or brushing your teeth. When taking Carcinosinum is important to avoid coffee in any form (including decaf; it’s the alkaloids in the coffee not the caffeine that antidotes or interferes with the remedy).

Take a couple of pellets of Carcinosinum before going to bed.  This is your First dose.

When you wake up the next morning, notice if you feel different in any way, either better or worse. You’re looking for any noticeable reaction or change in your mood or physical well being.

If you experience a noticeable change as compared to how you usually feel, you do NOT need to take the remedy again.

If you don’t feel any different, take another dose of the remedy that morning. This is your Second dose.

Over the day notice if you feel different in any way, either better or worse. You’re looking for any noticeable reaction or change in your mood or physical well being.

If you don’t feel any different by the end of the day, take another dose of the remedy before going to bed. This is your Third and final dose.

Notice when you wake up the next morning if you feel different in any way, either better or worse. You’re looking for any noticeable reaction or change. If you feel a shift or change, good! Jot down a few notes, so that you can report changes at your next homeopathic appointment.

If you feel no change at all after your third dose of Carcinosinum do not take the remedy again, but do schedule your next homeopathic appointment for 3 weeks hence.